There are many different carotenoids and all are different colors. The more commonly known carotenoids are Beta Carotene (found in carrots) and Lycopene (found in tomatoes). Pearl Tomato® is a White Tomato Extract without color but with ample amount of carotenoids. While colorless, the ingredient does not absorb visible light spectrum, instead, it absorbs at a lower or high wavelength (UV or Infrared).
3 Registered & Pending Patents Worldwide
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Clinical Studies
How does it work?
Pearl Tomato® is rich in a specific type of antioxidants called carotenoids, including lycopene, phytoene and phytofluene that absorbs harmful UV rays, preventing them from penetrating and damaging the skin. Pearl Tomato® carotenoids absorbs both UV and infrared wavelengths, which makes it an excellent protector against destructive sun rays. Unlike Red Tomatoes, they do not cause yellow or red skin pigmentations.
Pearl Tomato® also prevents the natural pigmentation process in human bodies as it reduces the melanin (the primary determinant of skin color) in dark spots and freckles. It aids in homogenising skin tone by preventing melanin from being deposited into the skin. Its antioxidative properties also prevent the skin from premature aging and thus avoid the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.
What is Phytoene and Phytofluene?
Pearl Tomato® is rich in Phytoene and Phytofluene, also known as the colorless carotenoids. They are more bioavailable in comparison to lycopene and demonstrated protective effect against light damage, oxidative stress, and inflammation.
Due to their shorter polyene chain, phytoene and phytofluene absorb maximally in the UV region and are colourless. More specifically, Phytoene absorbs maximally in the UVB region (280–320) and Phytofluene in the UVA region (320–400 nm), unlike virtually the rest of carotenoids in general which absorbs higher wavelengths.
Pearl Tomato® in detail
Source | White Tomato |
Technology | Qualitative and quantitative composition bioactives. 5% Colorless Carotenoids (Phytoene and Phytofluene) which were analysed by Spectrophotometric and HPLC |
Region | USA |
Data | Two peer-reviewed Pearl Tomato® clinical trials. Multiple In-vivo and in-vitro studies |
Also Good For | Cardiovascular Health, Inflammation |
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