Coprino, also known as Coprinus Comatus, is a variety of edible white mushroom widely grown and distributed in temperate regions in Europe and North America starting from spring to autumn. It is regarded as a high-quality food ingredient due to its limited availability and short lifespan. 

It is especially rich in ergothioneine, a naturally occurring amino acid with strong antioxidant activity that cannot be synthesised in the human body. It is mainly deposited in the skin, eyes and erythrocytes and has a strong antioxidative property. 

Pending Patent 

Approved Health Claims By Authorities Worldwide

Clinical Studies

How does it work?

Ergothioneine has many skin-protective properties, including acting as an antioxidant, anti-photo-aging, skin whitening and anti-inflammatory.

Aside from the well-known benefits of antioxidants on skin it has been shown that Ergothioneine down-regulates inflammatory enzymes that breaks down collagen upon UV exposure, preventing premature aging of the skin and development of fine lines and wrinkles. Ergothioneine also inhibits melanin production and inhibits tyrosinase activity, which prevents melanin from being deposited onto the skin, thus preventing unwanted pigmentation of the skin.

How does Ergothioneine differs from other Antioxidants?

Ergothioneine is highly water soluble and appears to resemble the actions of glutathione, which protects cells against damage to water-soluble proteins, unlike other antioxidants such as Vitamin E, which are more hydrophobic in nature. Yet, unlike glutathione, Ergothioneine is more stable in nature. It also protects cells from damage induced by reactive nitrogen species and UV radiation.

COPRINO ™  in detail 

Source Coprino Mushroom
Technology Qualitative and quantitative composition bioactives, 0.5% Ergothioneine which were analysed by HPLC
Region Japan
Data Multiple -In-vivo and in-vitro studies
Also Good For Physical Health, Stress


  • For Glowing and Radiant Skin
  • Featuring COPRINO™