BIO-GENE ™ Neu’ Age 15x sachets per Box

   3 reviews

For Glowing and Radiant Skin


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Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin to a Healthy Glow


BIO-GENE™ Neu’ Age is specially designed to Protect Your Skin from Within. It is High in Vitamin C and contains 6 Extensively Researched Ingredients from France, Italy, USA and Japan that have been clinically proven to Protect and Rejuvenate your Skin. With Neu’ Age, you no longer have to worry about going outdoors as this Proprietary Natural Fruit Blend high in Antioxidants is guaranteed to shield you from harmful UV Rays.


Pearl Tomato™ (Lycopersicon Esculentum) - Rich in Phytoene, Phytofluene, β-carotene and Lycopene

  • Absorbs harmful Sunrays

Red Orange Complex® (Citrus Sinensis) - Providing 6% Ascorbic Acid; rich in Anthocyanins, Hydroxycinnamic acids and Flavanones

  • Prevents Melanin Production

COPRINO™ (Corinus Comatus) - Rich in Ergothioneine and Vitamin C

  • Prevents Melanin Production

CeraLOK® Rice Ceramides (Oryza Sativa) - Rich in Tocopherols, Tocotrienols, γ-oryzanol, Phytic acid, Phenolic Compounds, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and Dietary Fiber

  • Locks Moisture Content in Skin

SOD B Extramel® French Melon (Cucumis Melo var. Cantalupensis) - Rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Phenolics, Flavonoids and Fiber

  • Repairs Skin Damage caused by UV

Acerola Cherry (Malpighia Emarginata) - Rich in Vitamin C, Carotenoids, Phenolics, Flavonoids and Anthocyanins

  • Boosts Collagen Synthesis and promotes Immunity, Hair, Nails and Skin Health

Other Ingredients
Isomaltulose (0.8g per 3g), Tropical Fruit Powder, Anticaking agent (Silicon Dioxide), Sucralose.

Country of Origin:


Not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, and children below the age of 6. Individuals who are suffering from existing health issues are advised to consult a medical professional before consuming this product.


Mix with 120ml water. Take 1 sachet per day.



  • Clinically Proven Ingredients
  • Vegan & Vegetarian Friendly
  • Hormone-Free
  • No Artificial Preservative, Coloring And Flavouring
  • Manufactured in a GMP-Certified Facility 
  • HACCP Certified 
  • MESTI Certified 
  • KKM Approved View Certificate
  • Lab Test View Certificate of Analysis

BIO-GENE ™ Neu’ Age

BIO-GENE ™ Neu’ Age is the Perfect Skin Supplement for the Southeast Asian Climate. Packed with Actives clinically proven to promote the Natural Healing of Skin and Absorb Harmful UV Rays, Neu’ Age can effectively prevent Photoaging which causes Sensitive, Dull & Pigmented Skin.

Reduces Skin Pigmentation & Improves Skin Homogeneity

Inhibits Melanin Formation by Reducing Tyrosinase Activity

Keeps Skin Moisturised

Reduces Transepidermal Epidermal Water Loss, keeping Skin Hydrated and Reducing Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Repairs Skin Barrier

Stimulates production of Keratinocytes, which makes Keratin and prevents Collagen Breakdown in Skin

Reduces Fine Lines & Wrinkles

Rich in Vitamin C that aids Collagen Synthesis & Absorption, promoting supple skin

Absorbs Harmful Sunrays & Prevents Photoaging Damage

Protects skin from UV-induced Skin Damage by absorbing & neutralizing harmful UV light

Promotes the Body’s Natural Healing Process

Improves Sleep Quality for the Body to Heal Naturally

A Closer Look at Neu’ Age

The Science Behind Neu’ Age

The Skin is The Body’s first Layer of Protection and is constantly Exposed to Harmful Substances in the External Environment. Without the Correct Care and Protection, the Oxidative Stress your Skin faces daily can lead to Dull & Uneven skin tones, undesired Appearances & even Poor Overall Health!

How does Neu’ Age Protects your Skin?

Highly Antioxidative

Neu’ Age contains Phytonutrients that are Potent Antioxidants that quenches and eliminates ROS, keeping your Skin, Cells and DNA healthy

Replenish Skin Barrier Components

Neu’ Age not only contains Ceramide, but also stimulates the production of Keratin and aids Collagen absorption which are Important components of the Skin Barrier

Inhibit Tyrosinase

Neu’ Age inhibits the Enzyme Tyrosinase that regulates Melanin Production and also aids in the distribution of Melanin more evenly

UV Absorbing

Neu’ Age is rich in Colorless Carotenoids that absorbs UV light, which reduces the amount of UV radiation that penetrates the skin

What happens when UV Light Penetrates Your Skin?

  • Oxidative Stress

    UV radiation increases the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), which causes impaired skin barrier function, inflammation, cell death & DNA damage

  • Collagen Degradation

    UV radiation triggers the production of an enzyme MMP which degrades collagen and elastin. As we age, the body reproduce these at a slower rate, causing wrinkles and decreased skin elasticity

  • Hyperpigmentation

    UV radiation causes an increase in Melanin Production and the uneven distribution of melanin causes uneven skin tone and dark spots

  • Glycation

    UV radiation increases glycation, a process where sugar molecules bind to proteins like collagen and elastin, inhibiting their natural function and leading to the loss of skin elasticity

Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin to a Healthy Glow


BIO-GENE™ Neu’ Age is specially designed to Protect Your Skin from Within. It is High in Vitamin C and contains 6 Extensively Researched Ingredients from France, Italy, USA and Japan that have been clinically proven to Protect and Rejuvenate your Skin. With Neu’ Age, you no longer have to worry about going outdoors as this Proprietary Natural Fruit Blend high in Antioxidants is guaranteed to shield you from harmful UV Rays.


Pearl Tomato™ (Lycopersicon Esculentum) - Rich in Phytoene, Phytofluene, β-carotene and Lycopene

  • Absorbs harmful Sunrays

Red Orange Complex® (Citrus Sinensis) - Providing 6% Ascorbic Acid; rich in Anthocyanins, Hydroxycinnamic acids and Flavanones

  • Prevents Melanin Production

COPRINO™ (Corinus Comatus) - Rich in Ergothioneine and Vitamin C

  • Prevents Melanin Production

CeraLOK® Rice Ceramides (Oryza Sativa) - Rich in Tocopherols, Tocotrienols, γ-oryzanol, Phytic acid, Phenolic Compounds, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and Dietary Fiber

  • Locks Moisture Content in Skin

SOD B Extramel® French Melon (Cucumis Melo var. Cantalupensis) - Rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Phenolics, Flavonoids and Fiber

  • Repairs Skin Damage caused by UV

Acerola Cherry (Malpighia Emarginata) - Rich in Vitamin C, Carotenoids, Phenolics, Flavonoids and Anthocyanins

  • Boosts Collagen Synthesis and promotes Immunity, Hair, Nails and Skin Health

Other Ingredients
Isomaltulose (0.8g per 3g), Tropical Fruit Powder, Anticaking agent (Silicon Dioxide), Sucralose.

Country of Origin:


Not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women, and children below the age of 6. Individuals who are suffering from existing health issues are advised to consult a medical professional before consuming this product.


Mix with 120ml water. Take 1 sachet per day.



  • Clinically Proven Ingredients
  • Vegan & Vegetarian Friendly
  • Hormone-Free
  • No Artificial Preservative, Coloring And Flavouring
  • Manufactured in a GMP-Certified Facility 
  • HACCP Certified 
  • MESTI Certified 
  • KKM Approved View Certificate
  • Lab Test View Certificate of Analysis
Product Closer Look
Main Title Closer A Closer Look at Neu’ Age
Intro Product left /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/get-flawless_310823220141.png
Product Statistic /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/20years-neuage_180923160915.svg
Video Link /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/neu-age-video-1_310823223012.mp4
Video Title The Science Behind Neu’ Age
Video Description The Skin is The Body’s first Layer of Protection and is constantly Exposed to Harmful Substances in the External Environment. Without the Correct Care and Protection,the Oxidative Stress your Skin faces daily can lead to Dull & Uneven skin tones,undesired Appearances & even Poor Overall Health!
What Happens Main Title What happens when UV Light Penetrates Your Skin?
What Happens Main Image /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/uv-light_050923151733.svg
What Happens Image 1 /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/oxi-stress_050923151824.png
What Happens Title 1 Oxidative Stress
What Happens Description 1 UV radiation increases the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS),which causes impaired skin barrier function,inflammation,cell death & DNA damage
What Happens Image 2 /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/collagen_050923151842.png
What Happens Title 2 Collagen Degradation
What Happens Description 2 UV radiation triggers the production of an enzyme MMP which degrades collagen and elastin. As we age,the body reproduce these at a slower rate,causing wrinkles and decreased skin elasticity
What Happens Image 3 /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/hyperpigmentation_050923151856.png
What Happens Title 3 Hyperpigmentation
What Happens Description 3 UV radiation causes an increase in Melanin Production and the uneven distribution of melanin causes uneven skin tone and dark spots
What Happens Image 4 /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/glycation_050923151856.png
What Happens Title 4 Glycation
What Happens Description 4 UV radiation increases glycation,a process where sugar molecules bind to proteins like collagen and elastin,inhibiting their natural function and leading to the loss of skin elasticity
Slider Point Color Bg FDD2C3
Slider Main Title How does Neu’ Age Protects your Skin?
Slider Point Image 1 /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/highly-antioxidative_050923172331.png
Slider Point Title 1 Highly Antioxidative
Slider Point Description 1 Neu’ Age contains Phytonutrients that are Potent Antioxidants that quenches and eliminates ROS,keeping your Skin,Cells and DNA healthy
Slider Point Image 2 /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/skin-barrier-com_050923172444.png
Slider Point Title 2 Replenish Skin Barrier Components
Slider Point Description 2 Neu’ Age not only contains Ceramide,but also stimulates the production of Keratin and aids Collagen absorption which are Important components of the Skin Barrier
Slider Point Image 3 /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/tyrosinase_050923172444.png
Slider Point Title 3 Inhibit Tyrosinase
Slider Point Description 3 Neu’ Age inhibits the Enzyme Tyrosinase that regulates Melanin Production and also aids in the distribution of Melanin more evenly
Slider Point Image 4 /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/uv-absorb_050923172444.png
Slider Point Title 4 UV Absorbing
Slider Point Description 4 Neu’ Age is rich in Colorless Carotenoids that absorbs UV light,which reduces the amount of UV radiation that penetrates the skin
Slider Point bullet color ffffff
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Product Ingredient Side Left /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/red-orange_050923212551.png
Product Ingredient Side Right /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/sod_050923212551.png
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Product Ingredient Side Right 2 /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/ceralok_050923212551.png
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See Results /image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/how-soon_060923220909.png
Sachet Per image/data/theme/products/biogene-new-age/closer_look/sachet-day-age_120923164825.jpg

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